Victor Leshyk
Victor has 20 years' experience as a science illustrator, working to visualize knowledge and discovery across all fields of science through hand-drawn concepts and metaphors.
Victor creates artwork at the Center for Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern Arizona University (Ecoss).
Adam Swanson
Following a visit to the SPRUCE site in 2018 Adam created two acrylic paintings of the SPRUCE site.
Adam said, "I was lucky to spend the last few months with some generous, local researchers in northern Minnesota and learn a little bit about what they do and how their work affects our lives. I translated these experiences into 8 large paintings. Science and art are deeply related. Both involve looking hard at what's around us. Observing and collecting information. Scientists and artists filter this information through brains and distill it into something worth saying. Amazing research is going on around us every day and art is another way to talk about it. Local art, local science communicated clearly to the world at large can make global changes."
Adam can also be contacted via Facebook
Meg Ojala
Meg Ojala: I Want to Show You Something
Flaten Art Museum, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota February 9 – April 15, 2018