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SPRUCE Warming Promotes the Use of Organic Matter as an Electron Acceptor in a Peatland: Supporting Data


These data are provided in support of the publication: Warming Promotes the Use of Organic Matter as an Electron Acceptor in a Peatland (Rush et al., 2021)

Rush et al. (2021) reported on the effect of temperature on microbial organic matter reduction at the SPRUCE study site and S1 bog. Specifically, electron shuttling capacity (ESC), CH4 production, CO2 production, and acetate concentration were measured to explore both direct and indirect (through changes in soil quality and water-table level) effects of warming on microbial activity. Samples were collected in the summer of 2016 and 2017 depending on the experiment.


Rush, J.E., C.A. Zalman, G. Woerndle, E.L. Hanna, S.D. Bridgham, and J.K. Keller. 2021 SPRUCE Warming Promotes the Use of Organic Matter as an Electron Acceptor in a Peatland: Supporting Data. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.




Tuesday, June 22, 2021

SPRUCE ID: spruce.075


An official website of the U.S. Department of Energy and the USDA Forest Service

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