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Benjamin Bowen

1. Carrell AA, Veličković D, Lawrence TJ, Bowen BP, Louie KB, Carper DL, Chu RK, Mitchell HD, Orr G, Markillie LM, et al. Novel metabolic interactions and environmental conditions mediate the boreal peatmoss-cyanobacteria mutualism. The ISME Journal. 2021;16(4):1074–1085. doi:10.1038/s41396-021-01136-0



  1. 1. Carrell AA, Veličković D, Lawrence TJ, Bowen BP, Louie KB, Carper DL, Chu RK, Mitchell HD, Orr G, Markillie LM, et al. Novel metabolic interactions and environmental conditions mediate the boreal peatmoss-cyanobacteria mutualism. The ISME Journal. 2021;16(4):1074–1085. doi:10.1038/s41396-021-01136-0

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