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Andrew Richardson

1. Richardson AD, Hufkens K, Milliman T, Aubrecht DM, Furze ME, Seyednasrollah B, Krassovski MB, Latimer JM, Nettles R, Heiderman RR, et al. Ecosystem warming extends vegetation activity but heightens vulnerability to cold temperatures. Nature. 2018;560(7718):368–371. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0399-1
1. Hanson PJ, Riggs JS, Nettles R, Phillips JR, Krassovski MB, Hook LA, Gu L, Richardson AD, Aubrecht DM, Ricciuto DM, et al. Attaining whole-ecosystem warming using air and deep-soil heating methods with an elevated CO<sub>2</sub> atmosphere. Biogeosciences. 2017;14(4):861–883. doi:10.5194/bg-14-861-2017

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  1. 1. Richardson AD, Hufkens K, Milliman T, Aubrecht DM, Furze ME, Seyednasrollah B, Krassovski MB, Latimer JM, Nettles R, Heiderman RR, et al. Ecosystem warming extends vegetation activity but heightens vulnerability to cold temperatures. Nature. 2018;560(7718):368–371. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0399-1


  1. 1. Hanson PJ, Riggs JS, Nettles R, Phillips JR, Krassovski MB, Hook LA, Gu L, Richardson AD, Aubrecht DM, Ricciuto DM, et al. Attaining whole-ecosystem warming using air and deep-soil heating methods with an elevated CO<sub>2</sub> atmosphere. Biogeosciences. 2017;14(4):861–883. doi:10.5194/bg-14-861-2017

An official website of the U.S. Department of Energy and the USDA Forest Service

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