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Khachik Sargsyan

1. Griffiths NA, Hanson PJ, Ricciuto DM, Iversen CM, Jensen AM, Malhotra A, McFarlane KJ, Norby RJ, Sargsyan K, Sebestyen SD, et al. Temporal and Spatial Variation in Peatland Carbon Cycling and Implications for Interpreting Responses of an Ecosystem-Scale Warming Experiment. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2017;81(6):1668–1688. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.12.0422



  1. 1. Griffiths NA, Hanson PJ, Ricciuto DM, Iversen CM, Jensen AM, Malhotra A, McFarlane KJ, Norby RJ, Sargsyan K, Sebestyen SD, et al. Temporal and Spatial Variation in Peatland Carbon Cycling and Implications for Interpreting Responses of an Ecosystem-Scale Warming Experiment. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2017;81(6):1668–1688. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.12.0422

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