DOE, Office Of Science, BER Website

BER advances world-class biological and environmental research programs and scientific user facilities to support DOE’s energy, environment, and basic research missions. Mission priorities: * Develop biofuels as a major secure national energy resource * Understand relationships between climate change and Earth’s ecosystems, and assess options for carbon sequestration * Predict fate and transport of subsurface contaminants * Develop new tools to explore the interface of biological and physical sciences Organizational Structure * Biological Systems Science Division (BSSD) - supports fundamental research and technology development to achieve a predictive, systems-level understanding of complex biological systems to advance DOE missions in energy, climate, and environment. * Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD) - supports fundamental research to achieve a predictive, systems-level understanding of climate change, as well as subsurface contaminant fate and transport, to advance DOE missions in energy, climate, and environment.
Terrestrial Ecosystem Science program is the sponsor for SPRUCE.
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