1. Pierce CE, Furman OS, Nicholas SL, Wasik JC, Gionfriddo CM, Wymore AM, Sebestyen SD, Kolka RK, Mitchell CP, Griffiths NA, et al. Role of Ester Sulfate and Organic Disulfide in Mercury Methylation in Peatland Soils. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022;56(2):1433–1444. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c04662
Carl Mitchell
1. Stelling JM, Sebestyen SD, Griffiths NA, Mitchell CP, Green MB. The stable isotopes of natural waters at the Marcell Experimental Forest. Hydrological Processes. 2021;35(10). doi:10.1002/hyp.14336
1. Haynes KM, Kane ES, Potvin L, Lilleskov EA, Kolka RK, Mitchell CP. Gaseous mercury fluxes in peatlands and the potential influence of climate change. Atmospheric Environment. 2017;154:247–259. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.01.049